It was one of those mornings. The type of morning that makes me want it to be nap time ASAP. He was just crabbier than usual, lots of whining, saying NOOO to everything, and just generally unhappy. It helped when we went to the store- it usually helps to get him out of the house. When he was able to steer through the isles of Safeway in the police car shopping cart he was completely happy- and even buckled himself in! That's a first- usually he hates being buckled into Anything, and says "No bun" meaning- no buttoning, anything that keeps him strapped in he calls a bun- button. Dont ask why, because I have No clue. And he hates being restricted- ofcourse, what 2 year old doesn't.
What else is new with Jasper...he is starting to talk quite a bit more! He knows most of his colors, calls them
pite (white)
peete (pink)
blap (black)
veene (green)
blue he says perfectly
wed (red)
He can also count to about 6-7, but not always perfectly but he does try!
We are working with him on saying No thank you, or No Tack Tack (swedish for thank you) instead of just saying No to everything. No is his new favorite word- and he will say it to everything, even when I know he really means yes. I decided to work with him on saying No thank you instead of just telling him he can't say no. I thin it is wrong to teach kids they are never allowed to say no to adults, especially in the world we are living. Adults can take advantage of children so easy and I'm always hearing sick stories on the news about it- and maybe if those children weren't afraid to say no to adults they wouldn't have been as easy to take advantage. My son won't grow up thinking that adults are Always right and no matter what they can't be told no. I'm trying to teach him he can say no (thank you) if he wishes to say no, but also that just because he says no thank you doesn't mean things will go way.
Example (happened today) Me: Jasper, it's time to put your toys away because you need to go take a nap.
Jasper :No Tack tack, no night night (what he calls sleep)
Me: I understand that you don't want to sleep, but we are going to pick up and you are going to go lay down with a baba (milk) and blue puppy (stuffed animal he always sleeps with) anyway, you need to lay down and rest but you don't have to go to sleep.
Jasper: starts picking up his toys.
He seems to respect the fact that he has options- he doesnt HAVE to sleep, but he does need to go lay down and rest with his milk and puppy. And of course he is sleeping right now :)
I'm going to try to upload some pictures on here now- so we will see how that works!
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