Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pilates 7 Day Challenge!

So I have been doing Pilates on and off for the last 7 weeks and I can seriously tell a huge difference. I am down 10 or 11 lbs (past my goal weight!) and have some ab muscles (underneath layers of skin) but I've only been doing it 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes less. So starting Tomorrow I am going to try to do 7 days straight of Pilates and hopefully be able to tell a difference next Sunday! I'm hoping that by writing it down I'll actually stick with it.

In J man news. He has had a fever on and off for 2 days, but no other sick symptoms besides wanting to cuddle- which is Huge in itself since that never happens. Being the paranoid mamma that I am I decided I wanted him sleeping in bed with me so I could monitor his fever better- so we kicked dad out of bed and I brought Jasper in with me. It was So cozy. I woke up to him stroking my face. So last night we kicked out Drew again even though he hadn't had a fever in over 12 hours- but you can never be too safe right? So again, Jasper and I cuddle. When putting him in my bed he was So excited, and kept saying Me night night with mamma! SO freaking adorable. But now that he hasn't had a fever in over 24 hrs I guess it's back to him sleeping in his bed. I was never big on the whole co- sleeping thing, but now I can see why people want to do it!

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