Thursday, February 11, 2010

I feel like Super mom today!

It's not often that I feel like super mom but today I do! We started off the day by being able to sleep in a little (yay) which is always a great way to start off the day. Than we picked up Riley (the 6 month old I nanny for) and went to Little Gym (Jasper's gymnastics class) after lunch and a long nap for both boys--two hours!!-- we did a lot of playing. But during that time I ALSO managed to do 3 loads of laundry, bake not one but TWO different types of muffins,(blueberry and chocolate) clean the entire playroom while the boys were playing in it, labeled and sent off about a dozen valentine cards from Jasper to his friends and grandparents and made a delicious pasta dinner with feta cheese and sour cream-- SO GOOD!!- and clean the entire kitchen and vaccum the living room. See why I feel like super mom today? Oh and I even got about 25 min. to myself to eat lunch and read from Breaking Dawn (for the 4th time)

I'm sure most moms do all of those things on a regular basis, but I have never been all that domestic. Maybe it's because I became a mom after my sophmore year in college and went from living in a dorm suit with two other girls to an apartment with Drew and than to an apartment in CO with Drew and Jasper. But I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of this domestic goddess thing.

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