I'm perfectly content to be a stay at home mamma. In fact I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING in the world- but lately have been feeling the need for More. I couldn't figure out what it was until I was reading my old little blog from when we were studying abroad in Karlstad, Sweden from Jan 09 till July. Best 6 months of my Life.
Traveling is in my blood- I'll blame (thank) my parents and here's why
*Born in West Palm Beach Florida
*Six weeks later moved to Virgin Islands
*Less than a yr later moved to South Carolina
*Back to Florida
*Moved to Stockholm, Sweden when I was 3
*Moved again in Stockholm about a year later
*Moved up north in Sweden to Ljusdal
*Moved to Bali, Indonesia for a year
*Back to Sweden
*Moved to a small town in Iowa (a state I had never heard of) when I was in 4th grade
So folks thats more than 10 different moves and 3 continents in about as many years. After highschool came out to CO, than back to Iowa when we found out I was pregnant, than back out here after Jasper was born, over to Sweden for 6 months, and back. And now we are moving next month (long story) but only signing a 3 month lease and than what?? We Have No Clue.
But I'm ready for another move- back to Sweden! That's my dream- I want to live there for a few years and get my masters (after I finish undergrade of course) Sweden is the most amazing place to raise children and I want my son and his future siblings to experience all that I did in my childhood.
Oh and another dream/goal owning a sommarstuga (summer house) in northern Sweden like the one above we rented for a long weekend. Bliss.