Thursday, February 25, 2010

I need to be a rocket scientist to figure out my 2 year old

Me "What do you want to do Jasper"

J " Me and mamma do a pull oh"

" You want to do what?"

"A pull oh"

Oh okay the kid wants to watch Apollo? Sure I tell him and grab the computer and start surfing youtube for the little man to watch Apollo.

"Mammma NOOOOOOO, Do a Pull oh wit me NOW" Now he is mad that Im sitting here on the computer. He runs into his play room and returns with....a PUZZLE. I didn't even know he knew how to say puzzle, or that he had a hard time with Z's since he can say them when singing the alphabet. He teaches me something new Every day,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One Hour Pilates DVD..

Followed by One Large bowl of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Carmel Sauce and gooey marshmellow fluffy stuff... That's my problem- I always seem to think I need/deserve to reward myself by eating a rediculous amount. But day two of my pilates challenge is done and so far two for two! Tomorrow I'll work on following up pilates with something healthier like hummus and pita.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pilates 7 Day Challenge!

So I have been doing Pilates on and off for the last 7 weeks and I can seriously tell a huge difference. I am down 10 or 11 lbs (past my goal weight!) and have some ab muscles (underneath layers of skin) but I've only been doing it 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes less. So starting Tomorrow I am going to try to do 7 days straight of Pilates and hopefully be able to tell a difference next Sunday! I'm hoping that by writing it down I'll actually stick with it.

In J man news. He has had a fever on and off for 2 days, but no other sick symptoms besides wanting to cuddle- which is Huge in itself since that never happens. Being the paranoid mamma that I am I decided I wanted him sleeping in bed with me so I could monitor his fever better- so we kicked dad out of bed and I brought Jasper in with me. It was So cozy. I woke up to him stroking my face. So last night we kicked out Drew again even though he hadn't had a fever in over 12 hours- but you can never be too safe right? So again, Jasper and I cuddle. When putting him in my bed he was So excited, and kept saying Me night night with mamma! SO freaking adorable. But now that he hasn't had a fever in over 24 hrs I guess it's back to him sleeping in his bed. I was never big on the whole co- sleeping thing, but now I can see why people want to do it!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My son, the future Olympic snowboarder.

Love love love the Olympics. It's really the only time you will catch me watching any sort of sports on TV. Jasper has had a bit of a fever for like the 2nd time ever in his life, and it has made him all cuddly and he actually Wanted to sit and 'titta' (watch in Swedish) with mamma. This is Completely unheard of as apparently I have managed to raise the Only toddler who Hates TV. Anyway, while watching Shaun White on the halfpipe Jasper turned to me, excited, and said " OOOoo I do dat too mommy?" So, it looks like Jasper has his first 'dream' and since we live in Colorado we are living in the perfect place for that dream to become a reality.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Game On Diet! Really works!!!

I did it- I lost 10 lbs!!! I just stepped on the scale for the first time in a few weeks and am SHOCKED!!!! I haven't lost that much weight in a short (or even long) period of time since I have birth to a 9 lb baby 2 and a half years ago! And the best part- I did it with no cardio, no working out except chasing a 2 year old around and some pilates a few times a week! 10 lbs in about 8 weeks may not seem like a big deal to anyone else- but since my prebaby weight is about 118-120 lbs and for two years I was stuck between 138 and 140 to be down to 126 seems like a MIRACLE to me!!! Now hopefully I can just keep it off!

***And I cheated a LOT on this diet, still had a mountain dew every day, still ate chocolate/candy at least once a day, etc. etc.

Friday, February 12, 2010

blogger survey

1. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Uhm- like 5-6 days ago? Yep i know this isn't a great thing and nope I don't care.

2. What were you doing this morning at 8?
Making Jasper breakfast.

3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Relaxing- its nap time for the boys!

4. What are you wearing right now?
leggings and long black shirt.

5. Are you mad at anyone right now?
Don't think so?

6. The last two people to say they loved you?
Jasper and Drew

7. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs?
Again, Jasper and Drew.

8. Are you happy with your living arrangements?
Eh- we will be moving in a few weeks.

9. Last thing received in the mail?

10. Do you have any famous relatives?

11. Have you ever had sex in a public place?

12. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Had my car And Drew's truck searched, mine because it was after midnight on a gravel road (I was 18 and Past curfew violations) and Drew's because there were 4 18 year olds in the car so ofcourse we Had to have illegal drugs/alcohol in there. Love those Perry cops!

13. How is your hair?
Same as every day- straight, tame, boring.

14. How many different drinks have you had today?
Water, and Mountain Dew- so two. Going for a pepsi now.

15. What have you eaten today?
toast with cheese, and chicken nuggets and fries for lunch. Oh and some valentines candy.

16. Are you any good at math?
Not even close.

17. What did you do Friday night?
Last friday? That was a week ago so definitely can't remember that far.

18. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
Actually, yes

19. Are you taken for granted?

20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
About 48 when we traveled to Sweden.

21. Do you like the ocean?
Love it.

22. Did you stay friends with your ex's?

23. What are you excited about?
Sofie and Henrik's trip here and than Vegas!

24. What did you do two nights ago?
Again, can't remember. This is why I have a blog so I will hopefully remember things.

25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
No, but I have all of my grand parents :)

26. Where do you keep your money?
The bank

27. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?

28. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
I actually Love sleeping alone- it doesn't happen very often so when it does it's quite pleasant. I'm a bed hog and Drew's a blanket hog.

29. What was the weather like on your birthday?
Hot. End of July.

30. Would you make out with anyone on your friends list?
The only 'friend' list I have is on FB- and I have, but now I'm quite taken.

Feeling the itch (to travel)

I'm perfectly content to be a stay at home mamma. In fact I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING in the world- but lately have been feeling the need for More. I couldn't figure out what it was until I was reading my old little blog from when we were studying abroad in Karlstad, Sweden from Jan 09 till July. Best 6 months of my Life.

Traveling is in my blood- I'll blame (thank) my parents and here's why
*Born in West Palm Beach Florida
*Six weeks later moved to Virgin Islands
*Less than a yr later moved to South Carolina
*Back to Florida
*Moved to Stockholm, Sweden when I was 3
*Moved again in Stockholm about a year later
*Moved up north in Sweden to Ljusdal
*Moved to Bali, Indonesia for a year
*Back to Sweden
*Moved to a small town in Iowa (a state I had never heard of) when I was in 4th grade

So folks thats more than 10 different moves and 3 continents in about as many years. After highschool came out to CO, than back to Iowa when we found out I was pregnant, than back out here after Jasper was born, over to Sweden for 6 months, and back. And now we are moving next month (long story) but only signing a 3 month lease and than what?? We Have No Clue.

But I'm ready for another move- back to Sweden! That's my dream- I want to live there for a few years and get my masters (after I finish undergrade of course) Sweden is the most amazing place to raise children and I want my son and his future siblings to experience all that I did in my childhood.

Oh and another dream/goal owning a sommarstuga (summer house) in northern Sweden like the one above we rented for a long weekend. Bliss.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I feel like Super mom today!

It's not often that I feel like super mom but today I do! We started off the day by being able to sleep in a little (yay) which is always a great way to start off the day. Than we picked up Riley (the 6 month old I nanny for) and went to Little Gym (Jasper's gymnastics class) after lunch and a long nap for both boys--two hours!!-- we did a lot of playing. But during that time I ALSO managed to do 3 loads of laundry, bake not one but TWO different types of muffins,(blueberry and chocolate) clean the entire playroom while the boys were playing in it, labeled and sent off about a dozen valentine cards from Jasper to his friends and grandparents and made a delicious pasta dinner with feta cheese and sour cream-- SO GOOD!!- and clean the entire kitchen and vaccum the living room. See why I feel like super mom today? Oh and I even got about 25 min. to myself to eat lunch and read from Breaking Dawn (for the 4th time)

I'm sure most moms do all of those things on a regular basis, but I have never been all that domestic. Maybe it's because I became a mom after my sophmore year in college and went from living in a dorm suit with two other girls to an apartment with Drew and than to an apartment in CO with Drew and Jasper. But I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of this domestic goddess thing.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Crazy two weeks.

I started working- watching a little 6 month old boy at the house. He is here from about 8:15-5:30 Mon-Friday so things have gotten crazy! After a few days of adjustment things are going good though and Jasper is learning to share his toys, and most of all his mamma. I'm very proud of how well he is doing!

He is talking even more and more, now he is saying 4-6 word sentences! He knows some of his letters, can count to ten and knows ALL of his colors. Right now he is sitting next to me drinking a juice baba and leaning on Blue Puppy- he just woke up from almost a 2 hr nap and is still a bit tired and cuddly. Time to go play now!